National Society Children of the American Colonists
The objects of the NSCAC shall be patriotic and educational; to commemorate deeds of historic interest; to inculcate and foster the love of America and of its institutions by all its residents; to base eligibility to membership upon lineal descent from those men and women who were residents of America when it was under foreign government as colonies and who rendered civil or military service in any American colony prior to 4 July 1776 and to preserve our Colonial heritage.
The national organization consists of the members and Adult Advisory Council, who believe it is vital that the children be brought up to believe in freedom, patriotism and a love for their heritage. Members hold office for one year; the Adult Advisory Council is elected for a period of two years. The Adult Advisory Council Officers and the corresponding member officers work together to fulfill their respective offices. The National Society convenes its General Assembly in June to receive reports, conduct business, and hold elections.
State societies proved the link between the National Society and the members throughout the country. State meetings and activities are at the discretion of the state societies and often include educational and community activities. Membership is open for any child, male or female, who is of good moral character and under the age of 22.
Colors: White and Gold
Emblem: Gold Winged Eagle centered against a Maltese Cross of white with gold border
Purpose: To train young people who are descendants whose ancestors lived in the Colonies to honor their colonial ancestors and to train them in parliamentary law, in conducting business meetings and in promoting patriotism in the community and the nation.
The objects of the NSCAC shall be patriotic and educational; to commemorate deeds of historic interest; to inculcate and foster the love of America and of its institutions by all its residents; to base eligibility to membership upon lineal descent from those men and women who were residents of America when it was under foreign government as colonies and who rendered civil or military service in any American colony prior to 4 July 1776 and to preserve our Colonial heritage.
The national organization consists of the members and Adult Advisory Council, who believe it is vital that the children be brought up to believe in freedom, patriotism and a love for their heritage. Members hold office for one year; the Adult Advisory Council is elected for a period of two years. The Adult Advisory Council Officers and the corresponding member officers work together to fulfill their respective offices. The National Society convenes its General Assembly in June to receive reports, conduct business, and hold elections.
State societies proved the link between the National Society and the members throughout the country. State meetings and activities are at the discretion of the state societies and often include educational and community activities. Membership is open for any child, male or female, who is of good moral character and under the age of 22.
Colors: White and Gold
Emblem: Gold Winged Eagle centered against a Maltese Cross of white with gold border
Purpose: To train young people who are descendants whose ancestors lived in the Colonies to honor their colonial ancestors and to train them in parliamentary law, in conducting business meetings and in promoting patriotism in the community and the nation.